La Suisse rejoint EUREKATourism
Le réseau EUREKA ( comprends 39 pays en plus de la Communauté Européenne) a officiellement approuvé la Suisse comme nouveau membre de l’initiative EUREKATourism. Grâce à sa participation au consortium de R&D « TourEspace« , est devenu le 3e membre du Comité de Conseil Européen.
EurekaTourism regroupe 18 organisations issues de 11 pays.
- Suisse: TourEspace
- Espagne : SEGITTUR, Tecnotur, IBIT, CICtourGUNE, ITH and CINNTA
- Portugal : Alentejo Network of Village Tourism and INESC INOV
- Israel : Correlation Systems and GeoSim
- Autriche : EC3
- Angleterre : TEAM Tourism
- Belgique : DeciZium
- France : Dev-Help
- Malte : Paragon Europe
- Chypre : E&E Travel Providers
- Irelande : Tourism Research Centre
Pour en savoir plus :
EUREKA TOURISM is a European strategic initiative launched within the EUREKA programme and led by Spain, oriented to the sustainable improvement of tourism, leisure and cultural sectors. The objective is the definition of the main lines of technological development and the generation of R&D projects that as a result would set up products, processes or innovative services with technological basis and a commercial interest.
Oriented to public and private entities, EUREKA TOURISM is a real European network for technological innovations in the tourist sector.
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