2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs on Travel and Tourism

We would like to invite you cordially to consider contributing a paper to TourismKG 2019 – collocated with the 22nd International Conference on Business Information Systems  (BIS 2019). The 1st edition of this workshop was held at ICWE 2018 and 13 papers were published by Springer as a LNCS volume.  

Workshop website: https://tourismkg.github.io/2019

(C) Seville – John6536 Flickr

Workshop date: some day between 26-28 June 2019

Submission deadline: 15th of April, 2019

Publication: Springer LNBIP volume

Structured and unstructured data from private companies or public-domain can be transformed and integrated with external knowledge in order to create the so-called Knowledge Graphs. Artificial Intelligence techniques (such as Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning), are used by popular applications such as Siri, Google Now, or Alexa. The success of these techniques depends on the existence and quality of Knowledge Graphs.

While Knowledge Graphs have been successfully used in domains such as finance, medical or e-commerce, little attention has been paid to apply Knowledge Graphs in the Tourism and Travel industry. Thus, the goal of this workshop is to raise the awareness of the importance of Knowledge Graphs on the travel industry and discuss their usage, challenges, enhancement, and ways of their commercial exploitation.

The main goal of this workshop is to foster collaboration between the Business, Engineering, and Research communities of the Travel and Tourism industry. BIS 2019 will be focused on the multidisciplinary discussion about Data Science, joining engineering/scientific and business sides, and its impact on current enterprises. TourismKG 2019 focus will be aligned with BIS 2019: to inspire engineers/scientists to share theoretical and practical knowledge of the different aspects related to Data Science, and to help them transform their ideas into the innovations of tomorrow, with emphasis on the business model on the generation/use of Tourism Knowledge Graph.

Topics of interest


Proposed topics, including but not restricted to:

Call for papers

Paper submission and publication

We envision three categories/tracks, each one will be evaluated differently according to the nature of the submission:

» Research papers, presenting novel scientific research addressing the topics of the workshop. Novelty and soundness will be key criteria.

» Resource papers, presenting resources such as datasets, ontologies/vocabularies, systems/services. Availability and reproducibility of results is a requirement.

» Industry & Use Case Presentations, in which industry experts can present and discuss practical solutions, use case prototypes, best practices, etc. Evidence of use and adoption in practice should be noticed.

Full papers (max 12 pages) and short papers (max 4 pages) will be accepted for the workshop presentations. But, in order to include short papers in the proceedings, an extended version (up to 12 pages) will have to provided after the workshop and will be reviewed as a regular full paper.

The accepted papers will be published as Springer LNBIP proceedings.

All proposed papers must be submitted in electronic format https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tourismkg2019

Important dates

Paper Submission: Monday, 15th of April, 2019

Acceptance Notification: Wednesday, 15th May, 2019

Camera-ready Version : Wednesday, 19th June, 2019

Workshop: TBA (between 26 and 28 June)

Organizing Committee

Mariano Rico, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Miriam Scaglione, School of Management & Tourism, University of Applied Sciences Valais

Idafen, Canary Island Statistics Institute (ISTAC), Spain.

Freddy Priyatna, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, IBM Research AI, USA.

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